highway guardrail construction

2018-06-26 18:12:39  By:Highway Guardrail Suppliers (1654)

highway guardrail construction

two wave highway guardrail as the basic safety facilities on highways plays an important role in promoting traffic safety on our highways. So highway guardrail constructionof is very important

highway guardrail construction

The position of the vertical column has the greatest influence on the appearance quality of the wave beam guardrail. It is very important to grasp the correct method of the column positioning and placing the line. According to the construction drawing, the position of the pillar is determined by the road edge stone. This assumes that the road edge stone is laid in the longitudinal direction (perpendicular to the direction).

highway guardrail construction is not any dislocation, and the actual construction is not so, the road edge stone laying in the vertical and horizontal and design is error, if only according to the road edge stone location, the fence column in the longitudinal direction is not straight, after the installation of the fence, the line shape will appear convex concave.

The vertical column should be set out according to the design drawings, and take the bridge, channel, culvert, interchange and flat intersection as control points to locate the distance, adjust the distance by the adjustment section, and use the distribution method to deal with the number of spacing.

In order to accurately loft and ensure the alignment of the highway guardrail construction, pile number is checked and closed.

After the column is set out, the surface state of each column should be investigated, such as the underground communication pipeline, discharge, or the lack of the depth of the culvert at the top of the culvert. The position of some columns should be adjusted to change the fixed mode of the column.

Drill the column according to the design drawings and check the alignment with the road alignment.

highway guardrail

highway guardrail

If the basic condition of the shoulder is allowed, the pile should be set up with the method of entry, and the construction should be located accurately. The column should be deep in the soil to the design depth. When it is too deep, the column should not be pulled out to be corrected, but all of it must be pulled out to be replayed after the foundation is compacted.

When the column is difficult to enter, it can be installed by drilling or excavation. After the installation of the drilling method, the column should be filled with the same material as the Subgrade after the post positioning, and compacted with the layered ramming. The excavation method is used to bury the column. The backfill soil should be made of good material and rammed (the thickness of each layer is not more than 15cm). The compaction degree of the backfill should not be less than that of the adjacent original soil.

highway guardrail construction is generally constructed on the concrete foundation during construction. When using the reserved hole foundation, we should clear the hole in the hole first, absorb the water in the hole, and apply the good bitumen to the bottom of the hole, then put it in the column to control the elevation. Sand can be injected around the column. When pouring sand, the correct position and perpendicularity of the column must be maintained. After the sand is vibrated, it can be sealed with asphalt to prevent rainwater from leaking into the hole.

highway guardrail types

highway guardrail types

how to operate highway guardrail construction

In the construction of the column of the asphalt pavement, the 5cm of the column pit from the subgrade to the surface layer is backfilled and tamped with the same material as the subgrade. The remaining part is backfilled and rammed with the same material as the pavement.

When highway guardrail construction, it forms a smooth alignment in horizontal and vertical directions.

In the construction of the end guardrail of the gradual change section, the position of the column should be strictly controlled according to the design coordinate.

When highway guardrail construction, the splicing bolts are mutually spliced together, and the connecting bolts are fixed on the columns or beams. The direction of wave beam splicing is the key to installation. During construction, the lap direction should be consistent with the direction of traffic.

highway guardrail construction should be adjusted continuously during the installation process, so the connecting bolt and splice bolt should not be tightened too early so as to make use of the long circular hole of the wave beam to adjust it in time to make it form smooth line shape and avoid local concave and convex.

The top surface of the corrugated beam should be coordinated with the vertical curve of the road when installed. And check the alignment of the guardrail. When the alignment is straight and smooth, the bolt can finally be tightened.

hot dip galvanized highway guardrail

hot dip galvanized highway guardrail


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